About us

Deffner & Johann is a leading supplier of materials, tools and equipment for conservation and restoration, care of historical monuments and for those practising traditional craft techniques. We also supply design solutions for fitting out workshops and studios.

In over 140 years of its history, the company has made a name for itself far beyond the borders of German speaking countries as a specialist wholesaler of products for use in all aspects of the conservation of cultural goods.

Our customers include well known museums at home and abroad, public and private archives, restoration & conservation studios, trades and crafts workshops and discerning artists as well as universities and research institutions specialising in conservation training.  We refine our range continually in close consultation with our customers. This co-operation drives us forward and forms a substantial part of our company’s philosophy.

Product innovation is part of our culture:

  • From natural glue to laser cleaning; the types of products and solutions we supply for use in restoration and conservation work may be as old as the cultural goods they are used on, or as new as the latest technology.
  • Deffner & Johann looks outside the cultural domain for innovative products.
  • In addition to the goods we supply from established manufacturers, we undertake joint developments with restorers and universities, as well as providing a growing number of our own in-house developments.

Our range is suitably large and comprehensive. It covers:

  • The finest tools available for gilding, surface cleaning, re-touching, reconstruction, bonding, general cleaning and for historic techniques.
  • An exceptionally wide range of paint brushes and other brushes for virtually all professional applications and quality standards.
  • Daylight balanced luminaires for use in the studio and on site (Harolux, Rekoma) as well as special lamps with UV light.
  • A wide range of pigments of the finest quality and first-class paints for restoration and conservation work.
  • Optical and technical appliances for analysis and treatment.
  • Hanging and transport systems from our Swedish partner, Temart.
  • Lime mortars and special mortars for injection and consolidation (CalXnova and - exclusively in Germany - original Ledan products by Tecno Edile in Italy).
  • A large range of items for protecting works of art in the studio, museum and archive, as well as on site.
  • Specialist books and publications on key applications and trends.

For years now, many of our tool and product ranges have been regarded as essential basic equipment for training colleges and universities and for carrying out analyses and preventative work. We also provide support for university projects, theses and specialist papers.

Deffner & Johann has cemented its links with industry over a great many years through its membership of key industrial associations at home and abroad.

Whether we support you in your day-to-day work through our range of products or collaborate with you on larger projects, we always have one aim in mind: to provide the right material, tool or appliance for your specific needs.


(Stand: 082023_SJ)

© Deffner & Johann GmbH