GAMBLIN Conservation Colors, Classic Colors, Set à 24, 1/2 pan

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Stable resin

Performing artificial aging, approximately 3,000 hours equivalent (about 62 years of exhibition time), shows that the samples retain their solubility in mild solvents and that the resin is aging stable.

Completely saturated color

The high refractive index of the resin leads to a color depth as by aged oil paints.

Lightfast colors

Only pigments or pigment mixtures of highest lightfastness are used.

Sortiment à 24 1/2 pan:

  1. Cadmium Yellow light
  2. Indian Yellow permanent
  3. Alizarin permanent
  4. Cadmium Red medium
  5. Ultramarine Blue
  6. Chromium Oxide Green
  7. Sap Green permanent
  8. Burnt Sienna
  9. Burnt Umber
  10. Greenish Umber
  11. Indian Red
  12. Raw Sienna
  13. Raw Umber
  14. Transparent Earth Brown
  15. Transparent Earth Orange
  16. Transparent Earth Red
  17. Transparent Earth Yellow
  18. Venetian Red
  19. Yellow Ochre
  20. Ivory Black
  21. Lamp Black
  22. Van Dyke Brown Permanent
  23. Titanium Buff
  24. Titanium White

Solvents with high MAK values

Because the aldehyde resin is soluble in low polarity solvents, you can greatly reduce your exposure to strong solvents when retouching. If it becomes necessary at a later time to remove the paint, it can be dissolved in mild solvents again. This means higher protection for both restorer and object.

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