Nasier Cartaceo C02, 75 g

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Nasier Cartaceo C02 is an eco-friendly detergent based on stabilised enzymes, suitable for the removal of organic and synthetic patinas from library and archival materials, parchment and paper products, photographic and film materials.

Effective against the following types of patinas:

  • Organic patina (waxes)
  • Synthetic patina (acrylic esters, vinyl esters, adhesives)


  • White, aqueous gel based on stabilised enzymes
  • Ready to use
  • Non-toxic, environmentally friendly formulation, therefore harmless to user and environment
  • Due to its special composition, the product acts selectively without attacking or damaging the underlying surface
  • Gently and easily removes the organic patinas from the surface to be treated by hydrolysing the contained acrylic and vinyl bonds in the synthetic and acrylic substances
  • Thanks to its unique properties, the product can be used directly without first measuring the pH or temperature of the surface to be treated
  • Can even be used if the surface contains metallic components
  • Only for professional use in the field of restoration and conservation

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